Sunday, March 11, 2012

Series and Parallel Circuits

Series and Parallel Circuits

Series Equivalent Circuit

  • The equivalent resistance for any number of resistors in series connection is the sum of each individual resistor.

  • Apparently the single equivalent resistor is always larger than the largest resistor in the series connection.
  • Series resistors carry the same current thru them.
  • Voltage across each of the resistors obtained using voltage divider rule principle or Ohm’s law.
  • The equivalent resistance for any number of resistors in parallel connection is obtained by taking the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocal of each single resistor in the circuit.

  • Apparently, the single equivalent resistor is always smaller than the smallest resistor in the parallel connection.
  • Voltage across each resistor must be the same.
  • Currents thru each of them are divided according to the current divider rule principle.

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